When entering Peru
When entering Peru, you must appear with the vehicle before the customs authority bearing the following documents:
Customs passbook
Passport or document of internal circulation for tourists (granted by the immigration authority).
Vehicle registration or ownership card (issued by the competent authority of the country of origin).
Transport document (if the vehicle enters as cargo)

- Entry, exit and stay of vehicles for tourism purposes are not subject to tax payment.
- The temporary entry or exit of vehicles for tourism purposes shall be permitted without applying prohibitions or restrictions relating to imports or exports, but subject to the obligation to be removed from the country or returned to the country within the authorized period
What is the term of temporary admission for vehicles with tourism purposes?
- The term is granted from ten (10) to ninety (90) calendar days (the latter being non-extendable). The term granted by the Customs authority shall be registered in the Temporary Internment Certificate
Can I request an extension of the temporary entry period of the vehicle?
- Yes, you can request the extension from Customs, for this you must previously obtain the extension of the stay as a tourist from Migrations and then send it along with the Extension Request Form.
What happens if the term granted expires and I do not take my vehicle out of Peru?
- In such case you must pay a fine equivalent to 0.1 of a UIT (tax unit) for the first calendar day following the expiration date, plus 0.025 of a UIT for each additional calendar day until the day of payment of the fine. After paying, you have a 48 hours term to remove the vehicle from Peru or to enter it in a warehouse, if the vehicle is to be removed as cargo. If you do not withdraw the vehicle within the term of temporary entry or do not pay the fine within thirty (30) days after expiration, it will automatically be seized.
What happens if for some reason you have to leave Peru without the vehicle?If during the validity of the Certificate of Temporary Internment, you have to leave Peru without the vehicle, you must request a suspension of the term to the customs authority, attaching the following documents:
- Stub No. 2 Free Circulation and Departure of the Certificate of Temporary Internment
- Deposit contract or other document that has been signed with the owner of the property where the vehicle has been deposited, stating the address of said property and the obligations assumed by both parties
- Police Certificate corresponding to the verification of the address and owner of the property where the vehicle is deposited
- The authorization of suspension of the term is notified to the owner of the property where the vehicle is deposited.
- The deposited vehicle is a security collateral in favor of Customs.
Remember: When you return to the country, you must request to the customs authority authorization for the free movement and exit of your vehicle.
What should you do when you finish your trip, to leave Peru with your tourism vehicle?You must present with your vehicle to the customs authority for document verification and review, with the following documents:
- Customs passbook.
- Passport or document of internal circulation for tourists.
- Transport document, as appropriate.
What happens if during the granted term my vehicle is involved in an accident?
- Evidence supporting this circumstance.
What are the documents that must be presented within the framework of the Peru-Ecuador Agreement for the temporary entry of vehicles to Peru for tourism purposesIn the case of Ecuadorian citizens, in order to request the Vehicle Entry Certificate for cross-border transit (entry to Tumbes, Piura and Cajamarca) or the Single Document of Temporary Internment for binational transit (entry to the rest of Peru) within the Peru-Ecuador Binational Agreement, the following documents must be presented:
- Passport or Andean Migration Card authorized by Peruvian Immigration.
- Identification document. If you are a Peruvian citizen living abroad, your residence outside the country must be stated.
- Valid driver’s license for the duration of stay in Peru.
- Vehicle registration or ownership card when the driver is the owner of the vehicle. If the driver is not the owner, a notarized power of attorney and original rental agreement or a notarized copy stating the validity of the agreement must also be presented.
What documents must citizens present under the Peru-Chile Agreement when temporarily entering with their vehicle through the Santa Rosa (Peru) - Chile Border Service Center?For citizens entering with their vehicle through the Peru-Chile border, the following documents are required to complete the Entry Registration:
- Passport or Andean Migration Card (TAM, in Spanish) with authorization from Peru Migration Authorities.
- Identity Document: If you are a Peruvian residing abroad, your residence outside the country must be documented.
- Vehicle Registration Card or Ownership Document (issued by the competent authority of the country of origin), or a lease agreement or document issued by the owner proving possession of the vehicle, including its validity period, legalized by the Peruvian consulate, or apostilled by the competent authority in the country where the vehicle is registered.
- The “Passenger List” Form must be completed and presented to each Control Authority at the Peru-Chile Border Assistance Center. Three copies are required. This form is exclusive to this border crossing.
El funcionario aduanero valida y registra en el sistema de SUNAT el ingreso temporal del vehículo. Una vez completado verificar estos datos accediendo a opción “Consulta Vehicular” de la página la SUNAT. Si no son correctos, repórtalos al funcionario aduanero o al correo daftacna@sunat.gob.pe para su revisión.
How to bring your vehicle into peru?